The Best Valentine's Dates for New Parents in 2022
As a new parent, romance may feel like a long-lost idea. While you may be exhausted and busy meeting the needs of your new baby, nurturing your relationship with your partner is also important. In this post, we’ll offer some Valentine's Date ideas for new parents to help you keep the romance alive if you want to go out or stay in for the night.
Places To Go For New Parents on Valentine’s Day
While a romantic candlelight dinner at your favorite restaurant may be more challenging as a new parent during a pandemic, it doesn’t mean you can’t spend quality romantic time with your partner. Making time for each other is essential and is especially important when you are meeting the challenges of being new parents. Here are some pandemic-friendly ideas for dates out of the house.
Get Out Into Nature
Plan a walk together to a favorite nature spot and take your little one along for a naptime walk. Make a special stop at your favorite cafe for a takeaway treat or pick up some take-out snacks for a mid-walk picnic. Your baby will enjoy the fresh air and movement, and you can spend some time outdoors with your sweetie.
Plan a Lunch Date
If restaurants are open in your area, plan a lunch date around your baby’s naptime. It may take a spin around the block in the stroller to get your little one to fall asleep, but once they are out, you can park the stroller in a quiet corner and have time for a romantic lunch at your favorite spot.
Visit An Important Spot
Remember that spot where you first met? Had your first kiss? Spent a romantic moment? Take the time to revisit important places now that you’re new parents. Seeing these places and reliving the memories can help keep the spark alive and remind you how far you’ve come.
Ideas For Valentines Day At Home
If staying at home is more your speed, there are lots of things you can do to show your partner some love and not stray far from your couch.
Order A Special Meal Delivery
Lots of restaurants are offering take-out of your favorite meals. Order ahead and have something special delivered to your door for a romantic meal at home. You can pair it with your favorite wine or drink and celebrate together at the most exclusive restaurant in town - your house.
Plan A Romantic Movie Night At Home
Sometimes simply making a plan to spend some special time with your partner can make the night special. Put down your phones and plan a movie night with your favorite flick to watch when your little one is in bed. Even if you fall asleep on the couch, you won’t regret spending the time together.
What to Send New Parents For Valentine's Day
Looking for the best gifts for new parents? The Yuuma clutch Set and Wallet is the perfect way to store essentials for an easy getaway or dinner out. Made from vegan leather, it is easy to clean, looks fantastic, and stores everything you need in a convenient clutch.
The Clutch set goes perfectly with any of the vegan leather diaper bags in the Yuuma Collection. The Yuuma diaper bag makes the perfect new mom valentines gift for the stylish mom on the go who wants the practicality of a great diaper bag. It’s also a great way to say happy Valentine’s day to a special new mom.