12 Reassuring Quotes for when Motherhood kicks you down
This journey through motherhood cannot be done alone. It requires constant nourishment from families and friends in order to feel sane throughout our daily struggles.
Motherhood is literally the hardest thing you'll ever do. There will be times when you just have to give in and break down. There will be days when you question your worth as a mother, but what matters most is how you pick yourself back up to keep going.
One of my main sources of peace and sanity was through friends who were mothers as well. Getting that girl talk to vent and learning from their experiences helped me understand that; I GOT THIS! I may be having a rough day, but this is not the end.
Through many communities that comprise of mothers, I was able to gather some quotes to reassure you that you are doing JUST FINE, and your children LOVE you no matter what!
As you read through these inspiring, and personal quotes from mothers just like you, I hope it gives you solace in your journey through motherhood.
12 reassuring quotes for when motherhood kicks you down
Motherhood Quote #1
You are the mom your child needs so you know what is best for them. Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to other moms because they are not you and their child is not yours. Trust your decisions. 😊
Elizabeth Anderson
Motherhood Quote #2
Every child is different; so what may work in one household may not necessarily work in yours. Parenting is trial and error. You will learn your child and they learn you and explore their surroundings. Be patient and know that you are the best mom because God chose you as their covering!
Paris Northcuttmom

Motherhood Quote #3
It is totally normal NOT to get things done. Your house will be a mess and you will feel like all you did was feed or hold the baby all day. That's what is supposed to happen. Order takeout and use your crock pot to make dinner happen! Now is not the time to be hard on yourself or have high expectations, just enjoy your baby.
Audrey from Two Pink Peonies
Motherhood Quote #4
Whatever you are going through in motherhood right now is a season that won't come back around so find the joy in every experience no matter how small!
Mikaela Miles
Motherhood Quote #5
It’s just a phase. My cousin told me that way back when my son (now 8) was super tiny when he wouldn’t sleep without a person and didn’t want to anywhere other than on me. I have told myself that many hundreds of times since!
Desirée Savarese
Quote #6
Be prepared to feel lonely. As a new mother, you have a very different connection to your child and even though your spouse or partner may love and support you, you will still feel like you're alone, at times. Try to establish a group of new mothers who you can speak candidly to about your lady parts hurting, not having been able to shower, feeling like a zombie and hiding in the bathroom to get 15 minutes alone. They will help to keep you sane and help you to be the best mom you can be. You can find support online in Facebook mom groups or develop friendships with other mothers who attend the prenatal classes at your local hospital etc.
Quote #7
I did my degree in Child Development, and let me tell you: NO amount of books, classes, amount of nannying or teaching, or otherwise could have prepared me for motherhood !! I feel like most of it was carved out of me and instinctive once I was one. 💗
Olivia Pritchett
Quote #8
Taking this from Taking Cara Babies but “there is no better mama than you for that/those baby/babies”
Jana Lyn Campos
Quote #9
Regardless of “popular mom opinions,” it is important to find that inner peace that allows you to know and do what is best for YOUR child. There is no need to compare milestones that your friends or neighbor’s children are achieving. You waste energy when you judge other moms about what they may or may not be doing in THEIR homes. There may be times where self-doubt creeps in, but know that there is no blueprint – and you are doing the best you can with what you know and have right now!
Sirena Amarikwa
Motherhood Quote #10
When someone gives you unwanted advice, just say, "Thanks, I'll consider that," and move on. You don't have to take their advice and you don't have to let it get to you.
Brittany Osborn
In times when I'm frustrated the voice of my mother-in-law comes to mind, "Just love them."
Quote #11
It's okay to not be okay at times to not have a clue
Bonus Motherhood Quote from Cool Moms & Co.
Let go of this perfect image of motherhood & enjoy what's yours NOW! Get more sleep, see your therapist until you feel like the best version of you. Tell someone how you feel, cry, get mad, pray. This tough beautiful stage is almost over and your going to really miss it one day
Cool Moms & Co.
I hope these beautiful quotes resonates with you. While reading through, I was deeply touched by the willingness of these mothers. They did not need to share their quotes on their reality as mothers, but they did anyway.
That is why its so powerful to be there for one another as mothers.
Share this post with your friends whenever they need a pick-me-up!
Love you guys, and we truly appreciate the support